Connext - the best bridge I have ever used

Mikhail Savenkov
3 min readJul 8, 2022

Hi all, my name is Mikhail and in this short article I wanted to share my experience with the Connext bridge.
The purpose of this article: to describe the experience of interacting with the bridge and to guide the reader through the process of transferring tokens from one blockchain to another.

The guide is designed for those who already understand a little bit about the principles of blockchain and basic applications such as wallets like Metamask or Truswallet and others.

  1. Go to the bridge website at the link. We arrive at a page with a very nice design, the colors match each other, designers have tried their best :). The interface is also clear.

2. Next step, now we should connect the wallet by pressing the corresponding button. I used Metamask for working. Everything in this procedure is standard and routine.

3. Now select the coin and the sending and receiving network. In my case it is air from the Arbitrum network to the Polygon network. And then the magic begins, everything is so native and clear, the animation loads so beautiful that literally every movement of coins is a small performance for the aesthete :) In my opinion, this is a very valuable advantage, given the number of bridges that now exist.

4. And my favorite part, moving tokens. I just love the way the functionality is implemented. Not only is the bridge very safe and fast, the commissions on it are small, but the design and taste with which the design is done is beyond praise. Kudos to the team and designers. Animations are great, the whole way of transaction is readable. 10 out of 10.

Look at the magic step-by-steb:

and then

and then, I want to click this button xD

and literally 20–30 seconds and the transaction is done. Also, I really like the button that allows you to add a coin to the wallet without the tortuous search for a coin contract and manually add it to the wallet.

Here’s such a brief opinion piece on the workings of the bridge! Join the Connext community. You are welcome.

Useful links:

Website | Documentation | Twitter | Discord | Github | Blog

